Wednesday, October 21, 2009

VPL...Excusable or and BIG NO-NO???

Greetings ladies and gents...

I'm gonna have to ask the fellas to sign off as I would hope that this is not an issue that applies to you (fingers crossed)!

VPL or for those of you less familiar with fashion lingo--Visible Panty Line. This is a topic that puts people at odds. It's one of those topics where there is no absolutely middle ground, either you could care less about your VPL or anyone else's or the mere thought of it. Imagine something with me...imagine seeing a woman who at first sight looks tres chic, nails polished, not a hair out of place, make-up flawless, and then it happens, she walks by and you can't help but be stopped in your tracks by the sight of the outline of her undergarment! EEK!

I wonder if you can guess, which end of the spectrum I fall on? (chuckle)

I will be the first to admit that I was once one of those women I just described, well maybe not as polished at the aforementioned woman, but let's just say I was a free spirit! I did not care one bit about my VPL no matter how many times Stacy and Clinton reprimanded some unsuspecting horribly dressed woman on TLC's What Not to Wear. Then one day something happened, what it was I have no clue, but I woke up a changed woman! And from that day forward, I have loathed VPLs. If you're reading this, I think you'd agree that clothing is an art form to be adored and admired and much like you wouldn't go to an art gallery and scribble on one of the masterpieces, you should never ruin the flow of your garment with a VPL. Now ladies, I'm all for being original and creating your own fashion personality but a VPL has nothing to do with originality.

For all of you that think I'm making a big deal of this VPL issue, do me a favor, go get your favorite pair of pants or better yet your favorite little black dress or as Beyonce would call it your "freakum dress". Got it? Ok now put it on, keeping on your normal undergarments. Now, go to the mirror and turn around...tell the truth do you have VPL? Is it totally noticeable? If it is...and i know it is,do me a favor, go change your undergarment, we won't get to graphic, but pick something that will not create those lines on your bum...hopefully you know what kind of undergarment I'm referring to. OK, got it? Now with your new undergarment, put the dress on again and turn VPL!!! Admit it to yourself, it looks better! You are on FIRE! No VPL allows people to notice your outfit not your panty line! Take a minute, admire how your smooth your silhouette is, no lumps and bumps, just a beautiful, fluid, polished look that will have you turning heads for all the right reasons!!!!

Alright ladies, I've given you the knowledge, now you must go out in to the world and apply what you learned! :-)

Originality, Kindness, and Sol

Sol Addict

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