Monday, August 4, 2008

This is me...

Fashion, what is it? Hmmm...everyone has an opinion...

Who knows? Maybe we'll never know! Fashion is passion. Fashion to me is the freedom to express who you are through what you put on your body; anything from the clip in your hair, to the white polish on your toe nails.

Fashion to me is the feeling you get when you walk past the boutique and that fab dress catches your eye, or the flutter in your heart when you find that magical clutch that makes everything right in the world! Fashion is any and everything that makes your look your own! Fashion is the confidence to share your vision with the world.

As an aspiring boutique owner, I thought I would share my thoughts about fashion and my journey into the fashion world with you...maybe we can help each other develop our individual style!!

I am so excited to have started a line of original, fabulous headpeices called Sol hair accesories, here's a pic of one of my designs, stay tuned and check back for updates and pics!

Until the next time, BE KIND, BE ORIGINAL, and always BE SOL-FUL!


Natalie Naomi said...

Welcome to the Blog-Sphere!!!

NicoleAlexis said...

I love it! Can't wait to see more of your designs.